FRANCISFRANCIS X1 trio - ese pod INSERT - also x3 and x6 trio.
This replacement pod portafilter insert is designed to fit your 3rd generation Francis Francis X1 TRIO POD handle and X6 TRIO handle if your original insert has become lost or damaged.
The UK version of the 3rd generation X1 is a ground coffee only machine, however an E.S.E POD version was manufactured for the market outside of the UK - this is called a TRIO. A TRIO pod version of the X3 machine was manufactured for a short time, additionally the X6 TRIO machine only used ESE pods, so the handle is a perfect fit for the X6 machine. A TRIO machine can only use a TRIO portafilter handle it is unable to use a ground coffee or capsule alternative. This item is the inner, black plastic insert (pod holder) for the TRIO handle.
This insert can only be fitted in the TRIO version of the pod handle. Handle is NOT included.

What you get: